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Weird Underwater Waves Spotted from Space

Weird Underwater Waves Spotted from Space - In the ocean, there are more waves than meet the eye. Below the whitecaps breaking on the sea surface, so-called internal waves ripple through the water. These waves can travel long distances, but rarely does evidence of their existence surface — unless you're looking down from space, that is. This photograph, taken on Jan. 18 by a crewmember on the International Space Station, shows internal waves north of the Caribbean island of Trinidad, as featured...

READ MORE - Weird Underwater Waves Spotted from Space

Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Thought

Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Thought - Neanderthals may have died out earlier than before thought, researchers say. These findings hint that Neanderthals did not coexist with modern humans as long as previously suggested, investigators added. Modern humans once shared the planet with now-departed human lineages, including the Neanderthals, our closest known extinct relatives. However, there has been heated debate over just how much time and interaction, or interbreeding, Neanderthals...

READ MORE - Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Thought

Dinosaur Footprints Lifted from NASA's Backyard

Dinosaur Footprints Lifted from NASA's Backyard - A chunk of stone bearing dinosaur footprints has been carefully lifted from the grounds of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., scientists report. The dino tracks, thought to have been left by three separate beasts more than 100 million years ago, were discovered by amateur paleontologist Ray Stanford in August 2012. The feature that first caught Stanford's eye was a dinner-plate-sized footprint of a nodosaur, a tanklike dinosaur...

READ MORE - Dinosaur Footprints Lifted from NASA's Backyard

Is Prince Harry Unlucky in Love?

Is Prince Harry Unlucky in Love? - Now that he's returned from his tour of duty in Afghanistan, however, Harry, 28, has come under attack for everything from being too candid about the war to comparing his skill as an Apache helicopter pilot to his skill at playing video games. Upon returning from Afghanistan last month, "Captain Wales," as he is known in the British army, said his time in war had made him a stranger to "normality' and made headlines again when he suggested that he had killed...

READ MORE - Is Prince Harry Unlucky in Love?

Parents of British boy in Spain face extradition

Parents of British boy in Spain face extradition — A critically-ill 5-year-old boy driven to Spain by his parents against doctors' advice is receiving medical treatment for a brain tumor in a Spanish hospital as his parents await extradition to Britain, police said Sunday. Officers received a phone call late Saturday from a hotel east of Malaga advising that a vehicle fitting the description circulated by police was on its premises. Both parents were arrested and the boy, Ashya King, was...

READ MORE - Parents of British boy in Spain face extradition

8 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kid

Big discipline mistakes you might be making (and how to fix them). Plus, get more toddler discipline advice - You know the drill: You give your child an ultimatum -- "Get dressed or we're staying home!" -- and naturally she says, "Okay, we'll stay home!" Might as well plant a big "L" on your forehead. We all see our discipline efforts backfire on occasion (hey, you're tired!), and of course there are those battles just not worth fighting (no kid ever flunked preschool because his teeth were...

READ MORE - 8 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kid

Child trafficking

Child trafficking - A cruel trade -To curb widespread trafficking of abducted children, officials and parents are turning to social media     THE Chinese new year, which this year falls on February 10th, is a time of family reunions. But Xiao Chaohua is preparing to spend his sixth new year without his son, who was abducted in 2007 by suspected child traffickers. China’s one-child policy has fuelled demand for children like his, thousands of whom are snatched and sold every...

READ MORE - Child trafficking